Canva Chaos Course£5

We all have the best intentions, but Canva hasn’t always been great at helping us stay

organised Which has resulted in mass chaos for so many!

Does any of this ring true...

You have re-branded a fair few times and have never cleared away the old stuff…

You know you have photos uploaded to your Canva that could be useful – you just have no idea where they are…

There are a lot of half-finished social posts that got abandoned…

And let’s not talk about the copies-of-copies-of-copies

What if you could actually find what you want? And everything had a home, making it easy to access.

The good news is, I can help you there! My Canva Course is design to walk you through the process of quickly getting on top of all the chaos!

Here's what you can expect:

  • Laying the Foundations - We'll start by diving into how your business works, and how you work best so you can create a system that works for you.

  • Building your Canva House - I'll guide you through building your folders, tags and systems so that you (or a team member) can get ready to move in!

  • Moving In Day! Once you're all set up it's time to move everything and get set up for success going forward!

CONSIDER THIS; You could carry on endlessly scrolling through your Canva account not knowing where anything is… OR You could take a short amount of time out of your day to do this short course and get on top of your Canva for good! (The longer you leave it, the bigger the job…)

(This course retails at £9)

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Canva Chaos Course£5

  • Total payment
  • 1xCanva Chaos Course£5

All prices in GBP